Employment Reference Request Form

The applicant has asked us to help search for a new role within the household staffing industry. As a professional recruiter we always wish to take up employment references and request your feedback with regards to their performance in your employment.
We would be grateful if you could comment on their suitability for the position. Any information provided will remain confidential.
If you prefer to send or confirm a previously written reference for this applicant, please attach it and return to us at london@spsexecutivesearch.com
We have specialised in the recruitment and placement of high calibre household, childcare and education staff worldwide since 2003, and work to the highest of standards.

If Yes, please give the applicant’s starting and leaving dates (if applicable)

Enter Start Date
Enter Leave Date

What is your assessment of the following elements in relation to the applicant?

Any information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence. Thank you for your assistance.

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